Welcome to the CCE-PSEP Distance Learning Center


This is the home to online pesticide applicator recertification courses produced by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (CCE-PSEP), in partnership with the New York State Integrated Pest Management Program (NYSIPM). Materials on this site have been made possible in part by grants from the US-EPA Pesticide Stewardship program, USDA Smith-Lever funds, and USDA Crop Protection and Pest Management-EIP funds.

States Accepting DLC credits: New York, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and West Virginia. For a detailed list of credits and certification categories approved by each state, select your state below:

 Note that Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont award credits the same as New York.


Each student registering for an online course must have their own unique email address. Offical course completion certificates are now sent via email. Not using a unique email will delay receiving the certificate. Shared email addresses also cause a loss of course records within the online course system.

A course must be completed within 6 months of the day it is started.


Core and category courses are offered:

  • Core courses cover basic pesticide safey topics. Credits from these courses can be applied to all categories of certification.
  • Category courses contain information for specific certification categories. Credits only apply to the category or categories state regulatory agencies have approved the course for. Please be sure the course you wish to take is approved for the category or categories you want credits for. See the state links above for more information on credit approvals.


All courses have been approved by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and comply with New York State regulations. For New York State applicators taking online recertification courses, the following apply:

  1. We will check the amount of time spent in the course before sending the official certificate of attendance. If you complete the course in less than the required time, you forfeit your purchase and will not receive credits.
  2. The applicator earning credits must be the one taking and completing the course. Anyone using a substitute course taker is committing fraud and will forfeit their course fee and will not receive credits.
  3. A particular course may not be repeated in a recertification cycle. Please keep track of the courses you complete.
  4. There are no limits on the number of different courses you can select.
  5. You can only complete a maximum of 7 hours of training per day.


Current Courses

Click the link at the top of each column to access the courses in that category, or use the links in the left hand margin. 

Core Courses Category Courses
Insect and Disease
Category Courses
Weed Control
Category Courses
Category Courses 
Application Technology
Category Courses 

Module 4: Toxicity of Pesticides

Module 6: Ecology and Environment

Module 7: Safety Precautions with Pesticides

Module 8: Personal Protection

Module 20: Weatherwise Application

Module 21: Pesticide Disposal

Module 22: Pesticide Storage

Protecting Water from Pesticide Pollution

Beating Phytophthora Blight

Bed Bugs Part 1 - Introduction to Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs Part 2 - Inspection

Bed Bugs Part 3 - Integrated Management

Fly Control on the Dairy - Barn Fly IPM

Insect Biocontrol

Pasture Fly Management on the Dairy

Spotted Lanternfly - Understanding its Ecology and the Threat

Swede Midge Biology and Management

Current Status of Herbicide Resistance in Weeds

Ecology of Weed Management

How Herbicides Work

Mechanical Weed Management

Principles of Managing Herbicide Resistance

Scouting After a Herbicide Application & Confirming Herbicide Resistance

Weed Suppressive Groundcovers

What is Herbicide Resistance?

IPM for Alfalfa Insect Pests

IPM for Foliar Diseases of Soybean

 IPM for Insect Pests on Field Corn

IPM for Insect Pests on Small Grains

IPM for Late Blight

Integrated Tick Management

Scouting Basics - Hows & Whys

Sweet Corn IPM

Effective Spraying with Backpack Sprayers

Effective Spraying with Boom Sprayers

Nozzle Selection and Calibration for Orchard Canopy Sprayers

Nozzle Selection and Calibration for Vineyard Canopy Sprayers

Wild Bees, Farms, and Pesticides