Beating Phtophthora Blight |
1 |
Private, Commercial 1A or 10 |
Bed Bugs Part 1 - Introduction to Bed Bugs and Their Behavior |
0.5 |
Commercial, 7A, 10 |
Bed Bugs Part 2 - Inspection |
1 |
Commercial, 7A, 10 |
Bed Bugs Part 3 - Integrated Management |
1 |
Commercial, 7A, 10 |
Current Status of Herbicide Resistance in Weeds |
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 10 |
Ecology of Weed Management |
1 |
Private, Commercial 1A or 10 |
Effective Spraying with Backpack Sprayers |
1 |
Private, Commercial 3B,3A,6,7E,8,10 |
Effective Spraying with Boom Sprayers |
1 |
Private, Commercial 1A,or 10 |
Fly Control on the Dairy: Barn Fly IPM |
NA |
NA |
How Herbicides Work |
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 3B, 10 |
Insect Biocontrol |
1 |
Private, Commercial 1A or 10 |
Integrated Tick Management |
1 |
Commercial, 7A, and 8 |
Integrated Pest Management for Alfalfa Insect Pests
Private, Core
Integrated Pest Management of Insect Pests on Field Corn |
NA |
NA |
Integrated Pest Management for Insect Pests on Small Grains |
0.5 |
Private |
Introduction to Neonicotinoid Insecticides |
0.5 |
Private, all categories |
IPM for Foliar Diseases of Soybeans |
1 |
Private, Commercial 10 |
IPM for Late Blight |
0.5 |
Private, Core
Mechanical Weed Management |
1 |
Private, Commercial 1A,or 10 |
Module 4: Toxicity of Pesticides
0.5 |
Private or any Commercial license |
Module 6: Ecology and Environment
0.5 |
Private or any Commercial license |
Module 7: Safety Precautions with Pesticides
0.5 |
Private or any Commercial license |
Module 8: Personal Protection
0.5 |
Private or any Commercial license |
Module 20: Weatherwise Application
0.5 |
Private or any Commercial license |
Module 21: Pesticide Disposal
0.5 |
Private or any Commercial license |
Module 22: Pesticide Storage
0.5 |
Private or any Commercial license |
Nozzle Selection & Calibration in Orchard Canopy Sprayers |
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 10 |
Nozzle Selection & Calibration in Vineyard Canopy Sprayers |
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 10 |
Pasture Fly Management on the Dairy |
NA |
NA |
Principles of Managing Herbicide Resistance |
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 1a, 10 |
Protecting Water from Pesticide Pollution |
0.5 |
Private or any Commercial license |
Scouting After a Herbicide Application & Confirming Herbicide |
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 1a, 10 |
Scouting Basics – The Hows and Whys |
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 10 |
Spotted Lanternfly - Understanding its Ecology and the Threat |
1 |
Private, Commercial, 3A |
Swede Midge Biology and Management
1 |
Private, Commercial 1A or 10 |
Sweet Corn IPM
Private, Commercial 1A,or 10 |
Weed Suppressive Groundcovers
1 |
Commercial 3B, 5, 10
What is Herbicide Resistance?
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 6,3b,10 |
Wild Bees, Farms, and Pesticides |
0.5 |
Private, Commercial 3B |